The staff behind Our Choice Thailand has been active in Chiang Mai since 2012. From 2012-2013 we partnered with the HIV Foundation Thailand and MEASURE Evaluation researching organizations that provide healthcare services to men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender (TG) in order to assess their work and understand what had already been done and what was still needed. Following this project, from 2013-2014, we began our care and support services through “Individual Intensive Healthcare for PLWHA.” This project was a cumulative effort with HIV Foundation and CAREMAT, as well as several other partner organizations that work with MSM/TG and those living with HIV/AIDS.
In 2014, when the project had finished, there were still a number of patients that needed care. It had become clear that this project had been successful and that the services we had been providing needed to be continued. Therefore, the staff collectively decided to team up and create Our Choice: an organization that would be able to provide a variety of services, including prevention and holistic healthcare.
Today, Our Choice Thailand provides HIV/AIDS and STIs prevention education through training and outreach activities and direct care and support for those living with HIV/AIDs in Thailand. OurChoice provides assistance to meet every day logistical needs, along with emotional and spiritual support to those who cannot afford the cost of local halthcare, or are stigmatized by being infected withHIV/AIDs by their families or community. These include individuals from many marginalized groups: immigrant, lower socioeconomic class, women, MSM and Transgendered individuals. Through a well-trained staff, Our Choice helps to navigate the local healthcare systems that allow those who are infected with HIV/AIDS and those who have been denied treatment to have a more rewarding standard of living.